Monday, April 25, 2011

Cincinnati Reds

Summer, Carter & Skyler wanted some photos wearing their Reds t-shirts. It was really a blinding sunny day despite all the rain we have had in the month of April. The ONE day we had to shoot photos and the sun was in full force and most of my photos were blown out. Despite that I am going to show you a few of my favorites.

PS - Summer and Skyler are my 1st cousins and baby chubby boy Carter would be my 2nd. Man, where has the time gone? I remember when all 3 of them were born.. and now.. geeze Louise time sure does slip away.


These tin can phones were Summers brilliant idea. You can bet I am going to use these many more times.






Unknown said...

Very well done Shari. Love love love the tin can phone photo. I too miss our chats. We will have to do a check in once in a while.

4 Lettre Words said...

These are really wonderful, Shari!

He & Me + 3 said...

Absolutely beautiful. Love the red!