Saturday, April 18, 2009

Who would have thought that at the age of 46 I'd still be doing bike-a-thons? Not me. But now that Miss Hannah is getting into activities that is where I ended up today with the new Oly. I must say I was quit impressed with the way it functioned today.

Hannah's pre-school program sponsored a bike-a-thon for St. Jude's Childrens research. Hannahs goal was to raise $100. She fell a little short of that I think she raised around $75. But she had a blast riding her big girl bike like a pro.

I must add that we only had 2 melt downs. Little Miss Momma chick was running after her freind trying to tell him to get his helmet on and she tripped and fell and totally skinned her knee and hands up. Then right after that.. her freakin' peddle came off of her bike. Lucky we had tools to fix it.. but it was getting pretty hairy there for a bit. She was fretting big time that she was not going to get to participate. We got threw it just fine tho!

Here is the morning in photos.

the name thing

Here she is practicing.

Complete with her shades and all. You really can't tell in these shots but she had a bear riding in her basket.

Playing with chalk to pass the time until the bike-a-thon started.

chalk name

They had a little bit of bike safety rules before the start. They all got FREE bike helmets and coloring books.
bike safety lesson

Now lets start! Get on your mark -
get on your mark

Get set -

and they are off

Just a cruisin'~

There was a lot of this happening today~

Then lunch! All that peddling makes a skinny girl hungry

I will wrap this up with this shot. THis is Tyler (we heard lots about him). I do believe he is the new dude!

Tyler & Hannah

All in all it was a great morning.

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