Friday, June 3, 2011

Photo Friday with Calliope!

Yay! I am going to play along with Calliope's Photo Friday!

This week the theme is CHAIR!

Here is my entry.
This is not the photo I wanted to use, :( but this will work (I think).

If you feel froggy do hop on over to Calliope's little corner of the web and check things out. She also does lots of surveys and posts all the crazy and not so crazy answers. Really, her blog is the schizzle!


Ashley Sisk said...

Really sweet shot. She looks so serious.

Ashley Sisk said...

To respond to your question- I used my Sigma 105mm EX Macro lens for the salt shots. There are better macro lenses out there, but I was able to snag that one for $300.

He & Me + 3 said...

She is such a great model for you. I love this shot. CUTE.

Mamarazzi said...

great shot! as always, so impressed with your talent!

elizabeth said...

this is a great capture - especially loving the eyes!! great job