Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Lookie who stopped in at my house yesterday! C.A.R.T.E.R! Oh, how I have missed him. We went outside so he could see PaPPaaww (he insists on calling Mike Papaw - it is soooo adorable) bring in the garbage cans. I pushed him on the scooter and he ran out to the castle to play. When he tired to climb UP our patio steps he tumbled sideways and crashed into the concrete. *sigh* I was totally my fault. He is now sporting some road rash. So, the red marks in these shots... are from my neglect of my baby cousin!







Please ignore the cheese crackers in his mouth.




b. lee said...

oh ... my ... word ... he is scrumptious!!! look at those baby blues :D

Laura said...

Hi Shari! I don't know why but I can't reply to your comments anymore. It doesn't give me your email address, it just says 'nonreply blogger'. Want to send me an email [] with your email address and last name so I can enter you into my address book? I'm so happy you love my new website! It's always a little scary changing things that aren't 'broken' to begin with, so it's awesome to hear this positive feedback.

I made the new logo. My old logo had the heart it in. I duplicated the heart in photo shop and flipped it around to make the new hearts logo. Then I played with fonts to make the words. I like it - clean and simple like the rest of my branding! :)

I love love love Lightroom. I only have LR 2 but still, ADORE. I think that you would be great with PS Elements, whatever the newest version is. I had PSE 7 on my PC. Now I have PS CS4 but seriously, you can make storyboards NO PROBLEM with PSE. Have you visited Coffee Shop Rita's blog? I don't know the url but if you google Coffee Shop Rita, you'll find her. She has tons of actions, storyboard templates and all sorts of things for PS and PSE. She talks about how to use the storyboards. I learned how to make my own with the 'clipping masks' she tells you how to use. AWESOME.

I don't think you need full PS because for what you want to do, you can totally use PSE. Plus you'll save hundreds of dollars by getting Elements.

Send me and email and we can talk more!!

Pam Bowers said...

Oh but he is so cute. I love his chubby cheeks. And those eyes! Killer!!!

Tiffany Franklin said...

love those big blue eyes!

Natalie said...

Oh how cute! I love his face shape! Its the same shape of my son's! I tagged you in a post!

Kala said...

I adore all of these, I am so happy you like my presets :p The last shot came out beautiful!

Kmama said...

Oh my goodness!! He is so adorable. Those eyes and those chubby cheeks. So squeezable.

4 Lettre Words said...

Goodness...what a doll!

Tara said...

Oh my goodness, soooo cute! Look at those eyes, love!