These girls at not identical but OoOooh my they sure made me question who was who - many times. I am thrilled and honored that Krystal and Rob asked me over to capture some photos of the girls while they were still so tiny.
This first photo was an after thought. Krystal is a baker at Hollywood Casino and Rob is a chef at the casino also. We thought this shot would be appropriate.

This photo was by request. Each of the babies were named after great girls Grandmas on both sides. One of the great Grandmas made the blankets (that they love VERY much) and one of the grandma's made the banks with their name on it. So this photo is very special to the Schmiesing's. :D

title="ShariSShotSMeghan&Mary34 by ~Shari, on Flickr">

I LOVE that shot of dad & the girls - great idea!!
Oh these are so adorable
Love the black and white with the Victorian accents. Really creative and adorable.
The twins are so precious. (I secretly want twins.) My favorite pic is the last one in the suitcase.
love that last photo! so cute!
that suitcase shot kills me...soooooo cute!!
kudos Shari. Multiples are just about as hard as large families to photograph.
Drop me a line sometime and let me know how you are getting on. Ü
Oh my Shari you captured some ADORABLE shots here! Look how long her hair is! WOW! And yes that first shot is VERY appropriate!! :D
Oh I love these! I wish you were close enough to capture my duo!
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